Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Day 5

My partner and I decided that we would go to Mtd Yosemite during the summer and that it would be a weeklong trip.
Here is the list of materials that we would require on our trip
Duct tape, water bottle, flint and steel, matches, hiking tent, mallet, asprin, first aid, sleeping bag, pot and pan, water filter, cellphone, rain poncho, compass, swiss army knife, mac and cheese, eating utensils, a change of clothes, soap bar and dried food. Our total weight ended up around 78 LBS which means that it is not a lightweight backpack to move around.

To get our pack to the weight that we have here we thought that we brought only things that were a necessity, but considering some other groups had packs were only 50 LBS my group must not have truly brought necessities. We also thought that we were getting light weight items to put into our pack so this means we either didn’t separate enough stuff or the stuff we had was too heavy.

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